Friday, February 24, 2012

36. Day of Museums - Louvre & d' Orsay

One of the reasons I wanted to come to Paris was to savour the art,
My reason for buying the Paris pass to enter all ala carte.

I don't have to wait to purchase the tickets in long lines,
Enter immediately and it saves me so much time.
I take the bus early in the morning because I plan to stay all day.
Arriving down the main pyramid entrance, I don't know which way.
I decided to start at the top and work my self down,
And, remember that I can always be found.
There's a ground level and two floors,
The Richelieu is filed with 15th, 17th & 18th century paintings galore.
I sweep through these fast as I have seen all the religious paintings before.
On the first floor, now I am beginning to see,
The art that I am familiar with, that really amazes me.
To see the Mona Lisa and the Winged Victory of Samothrace
Or the consecration of the Emperor Napolian and The Wedding Feast.
The Ground Floor has the Code of Hammurabi, the Statue of Ramesses II
 Psyche and Cupid, Mercury.

 French King and Queen's crowns
As well as baby prince, little and round.

A very curious cabinet had grotesque and freakish sights,

Made of clay and pottery and jewels of hemotite.
I can't help think of some of the stories I've heard
How the ancient species were very inbred.
A  fascinating place to me was the Etruscan sarcophugus room
This is the only one found, where there is a duo, she handing him perfume.

This dates centuries BC
They are smiling, showing the love between.

I like the painting of St. Joan of Arc leading the rebellion
Or of Napoleon charging on his stallion. 
Ate lunch in the Louvre, 
Had salad and a quiche, nothing new.

Walking the Seine a few blocks away
 To the next Musee d' Orsay
Where no photos are allowed to beshot
I snuck a few before I got caught.

The museum was once a train station 
The building itself is a fantastic creation.
This is the museum you should really see
For it has all the great painters of the centuries.
Delacroix, Degas, Moreau, Chavannes and Bouguereau;
Toulouse-Latutrec, Cezanne, Gauguin, Bonnard and Vuillard.
 Seurat, Denis and Vallotton and Van Gogh;
Renoir, Monet, Manet and Art Nouveau.
Many of the beautiful paintings are on display
For people all over the world to enjoy each day.

I had a few hours before it got dark
Decided to walk to Notre Dame park
Viewed the wonderful chapel inside
Of the pillars and stained glass in the guide.
Outside onto the plaza are the crypts discovered

Only about 35 yrs ago under the church were covered.
This is said to be the original city in 27 BC
From the Lutetians that inhabited early Parisii.
Visible still are the streets and house signs
Shop galleries and a bath room with heaters, preserved in time.

Musee d'Orsasy:
 Notre Dame crypt:

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