Monday, February 13, 2012

29. February 9 -12, 2012-Zurich Switzerland bound

I will always remember this day, February 9.
I got married thirty-seven years ago, a long, long time.
I remember the day with happiness and regret,
Wanting the dream of a loving man, I soon would forget.
We were married at the Ashram house with a black minister presiding,
Guru Maharaji’s photo hung on the mantle, guests, including family and ashram devotees residing.
I had baked a three-tiered carrot cake from scratch,
Food was donated from the Food co-op and flowers by the batch.
Betsy and John sang Elton John’s “Love Song,”
The service was simple and not too long.
We left for the Amish Village B & B,
The owner’s gave us champagne complimentary.
I was laughing and joking with the owner’s wife,
My new husband got angry and “Told me to be quiet!”
It was then I had a premonition for me,
Is this what my future was going to be?

So here I site on a train to Zurich and many years have past,
I am finally letting go, purging memories and feeling peace at last.
As the train rocks back and forth, I’m thinking ‘cos I have nothing to do.
I flashback to the Shining Path kidnap in Peru…

I was in my 30’s, going thru another transition,
When I didn’t have a job or no future position.
I just lost my job with a Miami mogul financier,
As his event planner and yacht manager.
He was an evil one for certain,
In prison now for 98 counts of money laundering, fraud and extortion.
But that’s another story…
Let’s get back to the bandito gory.
A group were on an educational archaeology excursion,
Full of professors, attorneys, scientists an d surgeons.
We were heading from Manchu Pichu to Lake Titicaca,
Into the Andes, our train was stopped in the middle of alpaca.
Two banditos boarded the car
Headed up all Europe and Americans and announced who they are.
Banded in cross belts with bullets and guns,
Who we to argue with anyone.
In broken words of Spanish and Nazcan
We were to be kidnapped and ransomed.
Well, that’s it for me, I’m a gonner,
No one I know who willing to pay for my honor.
Professor and Doctor in the front seat,
Said she’s opening a bottle of her duty-free.
All began to join in the chugs
Drinking out of whiskey, gin, vodka tequila jugs.
Very quickly feeling no pain,
Someone said, “Vikki, why don’t you sing.”
Sure, I was in theatre, but show tunes you want me to do a bout?
Cabaret, Pippin Chorus Line, a few things I remember before I blacked out.
My hands were on the wooden slat ceiling as I was kicking my legs high,
A toothless grin and stinking breath in my face, flashbacks go by.
He was trying to teach me a dance and a song,
I remember a clunk on my head and people laughing as they were carrying me,
I said, “What’s going on?”  Replying, “The bandit wants to marry me!”
Next morning as I awoke with my head pounding, smelling like a bar,
I hear clanking of dishes and voices afar.
Climbing down the stairs to the dining room hall,
I stood in the doorway and this I recall…
Everyone gave me a standing ovation,
Said, “If it weren’t for you, we’d be in another location.”
It seems the bandits got drunk and wanted to join in your fun,
They couldn’t kill an amigo with their gun.
They told me stories that made me want to hide,
“Did I really do that?” I asked inside.
The bandits left, stumbling drunk, they didn’t care,
Laughing and shooting their guns in the air.
It seems for the next few weeks, I think,
I was comped every meal and drink.
A funny story, I cannot recall
Because I was passed out during it all!

I look out the window and all I see are the snow capped mountains of the Alpinine.
They are magnificent, but I’d appreciate it better if I liked to ski.
I think of when I lived in Vail,

Those two years were pure hell.
Not so much for the mountainous town
But for the company I kept and how I was bound.
My shoulder was shattered and three surgeries I had,
I couldn’t escape even though it was bad.
Each day, I learned another lie.
I would get angry, yell and cry.
For I was disillusioned by a childhood dream,
This man was such a nightmare, it would make you scream.
I found out I was wife number five,
I was confused with no one to confide.
He was an alcoholic, drug addict, abuser,
A pathological liar, a complete looser.
Yet here I was in this situation,
A product of my own creation.
Since eleven years old, we had such a past,
I thought it was something forever, that always lasts.
I learned how much people change,
And sometimes get really weird and strange.

The train stopped at the Swiss border,
Customs officers got onboard and asked for our orders.
Had not too much to declare
So the three passed me by, they didn’t care.
The train passed by Lake Como, so pretty to see,
Hey, where’s the home of George Clooney?
I watched people get on and off the train
For a four hour ride, I was all that remained.
I  am learning the tricks of traveling along,
Buying 2nd class tickets still gets me home.
I want to say a thank you prayer,
For getting me safe and sound,  everywhere.
Somehow everything is taken care of this I know,
I am reassured wherever I go.
I’m getting to see all the country of Switzerland, this I didn’t expect,
A pleasant invitation from I woman named Debra, that I met.
She’s an American, married to an Italian business man,
Has asked me to visit as long as I can.
The train reels and winds around the mountain sides,
All I am imagining is a landslide.
We pass thru San Giancarno with men digging through the streets,

The snowdrifts are high, at least ten feet.
Coming down into a mountain pass, around the banks of the Lake,
The snow has melted, the wind and waves are created.
Debra was at the station to greet me,
Dropped off the luggage, said hello to the cat!
Her designer apartment is a beautiful classic,
Two bedrooms, baths, furnished with antiques.
We take the tram to the mountain lift
Walk the trails amongst the snow drifts.
A hotel beyond the ridge looks like a castle chateau
Where there are golf courses, now there’s just snow.
We walk thru the woods to the Wirtsdhaft Degenreid,
To order 4-cheese fondue and in our mouths feed.
It was the tastiest fondue, melts in your mouth with every bite,
Home for the movie,Warhorse, wine and snacks lite.

Wirtsdhaft Degenreid, Zurch Switzerland:

February 10 – Zurich 2
Debra and I had a leisure day
Decided to drive to Steinumrhine to see the chalets.

It is a picturesque village on the Rhine,

Many buildings were dated way back in time.
Each little shop is painted with scenes
And the wind makes the store sign swing.
Each little sign represents what the shop sells,
A tradition started before people could spell.

A cloister was closed, began in the 11th century
We peeked in windows and watched the Rhine ferries.
Now it is time to get something to eat,
Out of the cold wind and into the heat.
A typical meal of bratwurst and hash browns
It was tasty and sweet all the way down.
Arrived to a very cozy home
Called a Department in Florida for an interview by phone.
Debra’s husband, Roberto arrived from Greece,
We settled into a delicious dinner of Spetschleise.
A movie to watch, Roberto collects them by the dozen
A George Clooney movie, The Decedents, about all the Hawaiian cousins.

February 11, last day in Zurich
First stop is a train station that I need to get,
A ticket to Toulouse, so I won’t forget.
But staying only two days per chance.
“The best way for me to travel”, the attendant said,
“Is to purchase a Eurorail pass for three countries instead.”
A major purchase I must make,
For transportation to take.
I have ten days in two months to use my pass,
But I get to travel quickly in first class.
We take a tram to the oldest part of town,
And walk the cobble stone streets, up and down.
Debra shows me the sights in the oldest center, 
Go into the gothic church, Gross Munster.
A very simple church with wood carvings and stained glass,
An entry door carved in brass.
In the crypt below, they proclaim,
Is a bust of Charlemagne.
An Italian luncheon at Santa Lucia,
Consisted of pasta, wine and a pizza
Grab a cup of mulled wine on the street,
It warmed you up, a special treat!
Our evening meal consists of a yummy soup for supper,
And a movies about J. Edgar Hoover.
It has been a wonderful visit because of my hosts,
I’ve rested, relaxed and enjoyed the most.
The personal tours, the delicious meals
And especially the way they made me feel.
Website:  The Gross Munster

February 12, Leaving Zurich for Toulouse
Woke up early to get the train,
Debra went with me or else it would be a pain.
First a tram and then a train shuttle,
In the dark and cold, in a huddle.
We say our goodbyes and my thanks to God,
She says, hey why don’t you meet me in Prague!
I get on the train, and I’m in first class
Was served breakfast, but I had to eat fast.
Waited an hour at Mulhouse France,
For a train to Montpieler for a four hour stance.
I’m sitting in the top deck of the car,
And, this is the nicest train by far.
Out of the mountains into southern France
The fields are without snow, scenery changes at a glance.
I arrive at 9:00 at night,
And walk across the street to my hotel by light.
Buon sior!

1 comment:

  1. Hi VIkki! I found your blog through Sue, one of the ladies you met in Venice in January. She came back home to Oregon and told us about you and, of course, I had to check out your blog. Love your descriptions and your photos!
