Wednesday, March 7, 2012

47. On the Road to Rome

A five hour train ride from Genoa to Rome
It was restful and I thought a lot about home.
I have been contemplating cutting this trip short
Because I am frankly tired traveling from port to port.
France really burned me out with all its filth and stink
I hope going south will be the missing link.
I am staying in Rome for just one night before I return
I just don’t want to end in Naples around the dawn.
I arrive at the station and booked a hotel online
So far I’ve been lucky, but I think not this time.
I find the Hotel take the lift to the 5th floor
The receptionist is flighty say I have to wait 10 minutes more.
An Asian girl appears and says follow me as she flies out the door.
We go out of the building, around the corner, down the block
To another hotel dragging my suitcase, I had to walk.
She says I have to wait another ten minutes for my room,
Then comes back carrying a broom.
Returns and says follow me,
I will give you a better room, you’ll see.
Ye gads, if this is the better room I’m glad I have it,
This is the first time in the two months that my bed is shit.
It sags in the middle and the bathroom has mildew,
The shower curtain is diagonal across the toilet stool.
Ok, just for one night I can handle this,
This is one hotel I will not miss.
The woman now says the breakfast is at the corner bar
But get your ticket from the reception, the walk is not too far.
I bolt and go for a walk
I want to keep busy and not sulk.
I see a buffet and go inside and smell coffee brewed.
A pleasant older Italian man is behind the food.
I like supporting the locals and he is very helpful
I order chicken, salad, wine , vegetables, very simple.
It all was tasty and healthy without all the tummy pain
Now I have energy to walk and no weight to gain.

I find the coliseum so very fast

I am in awe that thousands of years ago the Romans walked past.
There are ruins everywhere, as well as the ancient site
But I arrive too late to enter so I look in the fence before night.
I realize that I am more fascinated by the Etruscans and Roman ruins
Than the Reniasance or Medieval period  with all their death and gloom.
I retraced my steps like I always do,
Watching  street markers to give me a clue.
Pretty fast I get back and decide to go to bed at an early hour tonight
But fat chance on that, I have African drummers, an Italian woman in a fight.
I wanted to experience what the locals do and I guess I got my wish,
Now I want a little bit of luxury, a bath and a healthy food dish.
We Americans really do have it so much better for sure
I don’t have the desire anymore to live here anymore.
I think I finally get some sleep around 2:00 am,
Get woke up with another fight around six in the morning.
Around seven get my ticket to go around the corner for morning food,
It is chaotic, girl ask,  “What kind of croissant and a coffee brewed?”
I get it tossed to me and go stand in a corner to eat,
‘Great, wonderful, I have breakfast on my feet.’
Back at the hotel, receptionist asks, “When do you check out?
I said, “As quickly as possible,” I need to change this route.
I grab my suitcase, bolt out the door
I have to wait in the train station for an hour once more.
Off to Napoli, not looking forward,
I have to change trains and hear there are crooks galore.
Much to my surprise the trip went smoothly
And, I caught the local train in Napoli, the Circumvesuvia.
Met many Americans, not such a surprise
Also an English couple who asked if I was from Britain isles.
He saw my name on the suitcase, Hibberd
And said he has a good friend by that name, not often heard.
We land in Pompeii 
And all part our ways!

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