Wednesday, March 14, 2012

55. A day at the Pinnicolari Marina

The sun is brightly shining today
I hurry up eat, and get on my way.

Say hello to the chamber maid, Downa, from the Ukraine
Thanks for the breakfast, Amrit and Giovane

Find a garden lookout point of the sea
Meander towards the monastery.
Where the ancient Carthusian monks developed the perfume.
Legend has it that it was in 1380, a visit from Queen Giovanna was arriving soon.

The monks gathered all the native flora of the island and put in a vase
Three days later the flowers were thrown away, but a beautiful fragrance in the water took its place.

The father alchemist then began to develop the first perfume of Capri.
It wasn't until 1948 when the formula was discovered locked under key.
The tradition is still used today, essence derived only from the native flowers

Processed in the tiny laboratory tower.
I took a peak and bought a gift for mean
So that I will always remember the fragrance of Capri.

I met two girls, Em and Libby, going to school in Florence and Cairo.
Here for the week, we hiked together and chatted for awhile, then got gelato.

I went up to the castle road
Only to find at the top that it was closed.
So down to the sea to Pinnicolari Marina Bay

I followed the brick steps, around, around, down all the way.
The sight opened up, very few locals were sunning
The water was ice cold, the views were stunning.

I went out to the point that was said to be where sirens sing
To the ancient sailors enticing their ships to bring.
The ships crashed unto the hidden rocks in the cay
But now it's a great place for snorkeling in the bay.
The trip was long to get back up,
Oh thank God,there is a bus.
I had to get back by four
Because I have an appointment for a massage once more.
Met Monica and again she is great,
We talked about Juice Plus and got on my website.
Said she and her brother may decide to give to their patients
Because nutritionally they know it is all about fruit, vegetables and diet.


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