Monday, January 30, 2012

22. 2nd Day in Florence

Mondays in Florence is a day of rest,
All museums & galleries closed, so I did my best
To find the free things and explore the town,
I climbed a tower and a mountain, up and down.
On my way to the main square, I came across the mercato centrale,
A two-story warehouse full of meats, cheeses, breads & vegetable.
Many odd things I have never seen or tasted,
But the man said, " It is wonderful when basted."
I bought a ticket to climb the 422 steps to the cathedral roof walkway
When you reached the top, windy it was, but a beautiful view of the day.
Inside the Cathedral di Santa Maria del Fiore 
Art students sit drawing, some of the floor.
Gigantic columns hold up the flying buttress arch
While frescoes of angels and saints in the dome march.
Wandered across the Arno River bridge selling the precious jewels of gold,
Thought about my house robbery and what the thieves sold.
Got sad thinking about the pieces I have lost,
And cursed them to hell at any cost.
Walked the steps through the garden to the top of the mountain
To reach the Piazzale Michaelango and the fountain.
What a site to behold it was,
I walked it all, but here come the tourist buses.
I sat down and had my meager lunch I packed,
A little sparrow chattered and beside me sat.
Gave him some crumbs and away he flew,
Came back many times until I was through.
I thought about how simple his life
And trusting he was and took it in strife.
I walked past a restaurant that looked rather expensive
And daydreamed that I could go and eat inside.
I realized that I wasn't at the top,
And climbed more steps and at a little church stopped.
Chiesa di Salvatore was rather simple compared to the rest,
A man was kneeling in prayer, so I was the quietest.
Another set of steps appeared and I wandered in vain,
Chiesa di San Miniato al Monte appeared, it did not look the same.
A series of grave sites and crypts you walked through,
With pictures of people, statues, monument that many knew.
I read the inscriptions and looked at the photos
I felt humbled and small and realized how fast time goes.
We are all but a speck in time on this earth
.I got an eery feeling and thought what is it all worth?
I started to hum a song by Peggy Lee from long ago,
I think I remember how it flows....
"Is that all there is my friend, is that all there is? Is  that all?
Then let's keep dancing and bring out the booze and have a ball!"
Such a prelude of what was to happened next,
Entered the chapel to hear the chants of the ancient Gregorian sect.
The chapel lacked all the luster and gold,
But had geometric signs in bold.
I felt like I had come upon the 3rd kind
In white hooded robes, with ropes that bind.
I listened until they were done
And started down the mountain from where I had come.
Reaching the city vicinity,
I entered a museum of Leonardo di Vinci.
He was born on April 15, same day as Ethan my son.
Geniuses, everyone!
The rooms were filled with all of his creations,
They were hands-on replications. 
A bicycle, ball bearing machines and an amored tank
Pulleys, levers, flying machines, a mechanical bank.
He even created a fountain pen with continuous ink
Used so not to interrupt when he thinks.
Simply amazing, I had not a clue,
Only the artist I knew.

My dear friend Kathleen sent me this devotional today and it couldn't have been better said:

I am your strength and shield. I plan each day before you awake.  I also provide the strength you need with each step of the way. Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering what lies on the road ahead, concentrate and stay in touch with Me.  My power flows freely into you through our open communication.  Refuse to waste energy worrying and you will have strength to spare. Whenever you feel afraid, remember that I am your shield. My presence watches over you continually from known and unknown dangers.  I am with you wherever you go.

My day experience was just that today, thank you my dear friend!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

21. Day in Florence

This is my first day in two months that I am completely relaxed,
I don't feel like doing anything, I even took a nap.
I walked to the tourist office and they gave me advice,
Don't buy the Firenze card until Tuesday or it will costs twice.
The reason you see, is all museums are closed on Mondays,
And, he suggested this to do so I won't have to pay.
The pass is for seventy-two hours and costs 50 euros,
But it gets you bus passes and free entrance wherever you go.
I went to the Duomo to sit and have lunch 
And started talking to this couple, just for a hunch.
The couple lives in Nigeria but are from Illinois originally.
I asked them from where and they replied Spring Valley.
With surprise, I told them my family's last names,
And they said they knew them, and attended the high school same.
What a coincidence to meet Don Sabatini and his wife,
Their family history is a similar life.
They told me stories of their travels and career,
And, told me to go to Africa, because it's so near.
They will retire in a few years, and go
To Punta Gorda Florida because there's no snow.
Another example of such a small world,
That I met this couple in front of the chapel pearled.

20. Arriving in Florence

I got up as fast as I could 
To get out of the hood!
Francisco was on staff that day,
He wanted to call me a cab, but goodbye I waved.
The walk was pleasant and not that far,
But I need to get another suitcase, this one has fallen apart.
A young man helped me with my luggage to wait for the train,
And, he started a conversation and told me his name.
He was quite handsome and charming,
In my younger days, it would be quite alarming.
But now as I am seasoned a bit,
I've been there, done that!
We sat on the train and talked for a few hours at tops,
He gave me his number and waved as he got off at his stop.
I exchanged trains in Bologna to Florence in minutes ten
And got on the wrong coach, so I had to stand.
A super duper fast Trentalia train,
I was there in 45 minutes, an hour, I gained.
I usually take a cab to the hotel to get my bearings.
I've been quite fortunate that they have been close to the train.
I had a good feeling about this stay, took the lift to the reception area,
And, they say, Let me take you to room number eight."
When you are ready, we will do the check-in and passport,
Take a rest and get some comfort.
I collapsed into a very clean room, my suitcase unpacked,
Laid down to rest and take a short nap.
Erisa was quite helpful and sweet
Gave me a map and checked me in a beat!
Walked the streets that evening to get my bearings,
And, everywhere I went there were American students preparing.
Mostly art and philosophy majors, I met about five,
What an experience and the time of their lives.
The plazas were full of music and chatter,
More energy here than any other.
I found the leather street market, it is so near,
Everybody has the deal of the year.
This reminds me so much of Nogales,
"For you, so much less."
Two things I had to buy, a suitcase and pair of gloves,
For both have fallen  apart, inside and above.
Both were extremely reasonably priced
that made me feel quite nice.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Last Day in Verona

I didn’t take any photos today, just walked for hours
Trying to locate Guardino Guista,the botanical garden of flowers.
 John Evelyn, an English writer, said in 1661 that it was the finest garden ever,
However, when I finally found it, the sign said closed for repairs.
I decided to go to the railway station and purchase my train tickets for the next day.
I have to backtrack to Bologna, then catch another train for Florence,  25 euros all the way.
Hungry as ever and found a local café, ordered cannelloni with spinach and a glass of wine.
I sat there contemplating my next move, because I have plenty of time.
I passed by a “Wind” store, which is the country’s mobile telephone,
And a young man from Sicily told me what was wrong.
He sat me up with the SIMS chip I had and inserted it in a phone for 29 euros.
No other person has been able to help and he took care of it in less than an hour.
Wanted to go to the monastery on the hill and I started to get dizzy from up and down
And roads twisting and going around. 
I made a decision that this wasn’t worth it
And turned back cause my feet hurt.
Bought some fruit at the local stand,
And, glad to leave this hotel, it should be banned.
It is run by a couple from Bangladesh,
Who’s apartment is just right next.
The stay awake at the front desk until two,
And then come back to their apartment and argue.
The bidet gives off an awful sewer odor,
And, I am all the way up on the 4th floor.
The first morning breakfast, the coffee was cold
And he said it wasn’t warm yet, it was a day old.
The hairdryer didn’t work when I tried,
And feel from the wall in the middle of the night.
 I have to use the internet  in the tiny lobby
Anyone could walk  in and rob me.
This morning, I walked down the stairs, the lights were out
I got off on the wrong floor, hit my head and started to pout.
I heard someone talking on the phone
Came to the lobby and there was a meager breakfast of scones.
I asked for yogurt, anything in a container, so I thought,
Because everything else is probably ready to rot.
So if you come to Verona to stay,
Avoid the Hotel Arena, please stay away!
Just a quick note, in case I don't wake,
We just had an earthquake!
The building trembled and swayed
and they told me to by the door stay..
whoo hoo!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

18. Verona - Day 2

Verona is a beautiful city to roam,
I can see why Madonna and Leonardo di Caprio  call it home.
It has preserved some of the best archeological sites,
From around 1 BC to medieval  15th century fights.
I took my City of Verona pass I bought for 15 euros
And decided I was going to visit every site & be thorough.
Starting with Basilica San Zeno and its beautiful garden lawn,
And viewed the frescos, one in particular of St. George slaying the dragon.
Decided to walk around the circle of the city,
Got to the tomb of Guiletta, it was closed, such a pity.
Crossed the Via Pallone Bridge and walked straight into Piazzale Cimetero.
I walked around and then became humbled to see how fast our lives go.
Followed the walkway for the Fiume Adige,
Smelt some pizza and decided I was mangi.
Fellows were nice, thought I was from France
Spoke in broken English and communicated by chance.

Traveled the river until I got to Teatro Romano, the archaeological site,
And when I entered I was breathless by the arena and monastery height.
The Teatro was discovered by Andrea Monga in the 19th century,
Over time, the excavation uncovered the theatre’s cavea.
The reconstructed Arena, cemetery and monastery were intact
The mosaic floors of the monastery and marble floor of the arena take you back,
To a time when art in the home was expected,
And the artists were honored and respected.
And see the enormous views of the city that just don’t stop.
I briefly visited San Giorgio’s church dome,
Crossed the Via Gariblado Via Rosa to find my way home.
The next stop was the Duomo, rebuilt and consecrated in 1187,
The paintings, frescos and splendid reliefs are a gift from heaven.
The Basilica di Santa Anastasia was not too far,
I just happened to come across and said, “Another church? I need a bar!”
I entered reluctantly and I am glad I did
For it had unique things that were hid.
The hunchback water stoop, so they say,
Will bring you luck if on his back your hands lay.
Of course I did it, I need all I can get
And said, “Ok all you saints, on with the bet!”
I stumbled upon Romeo’s house; I thought was an alley,
And wanted to go to the cinema gallery.
I got in for free – again with my pass,
And entered thru to tombs below, that was a gas!
The Italians are clever by far,
They take the ancient & mix the present  next to a bar.
So both exhibits I got to see, from Marilyn, Liz, Charlie C
To John Wayne and directors on the set of the movies.
The black and white photographs were displayed,
Amongst the ancient burial graves.
Tired I am from walking all day,
I came upon a pastry shop, bought one with a café.
Walked to the hotel and I am completely beat,
Call it a night because of my feet.

17. Left Venice for Verona

Left a few hours early for one last trip on the Grand Canal,
Wanted to get photos and videos for my grand finale.
Passed under the Rialto and the Mercato bustling in the morn,
Took videos to hear the water taxis and horns.
Little bambini on his tiny bike,
Landed at the stop in Ferrovia to catch the train,
Boarded earlier, for in Venicia it started to rain.
Met two women from Detroit Michigan,
I believe their names were Shirley and Ann.
Ann gave me an Italian dictionary of words
And we laughed at the toilette opening door.
Took at taxi to the Hotel Arena, and I am glad I did,
An itty bitty place tucked in between buildings it hid,
I am greeted by Francisco, very happy signore,
Who gives me the scoop, a map and a tour.
Go to my room and it is by far the worst,
But hey, it’s Italy, near everything, I’m a tourist.
I head off to the Arena main square,
Find the information office and asks where.
A guided walking tour is starting out front
I join the group so places I don’t have to hunt.
The group is from Chicago Illinois,
And, I start talking to Mary, it brings me joy.
To find some camaraderie, or so I hope
But the group has to take a bus to the ski slope.
We first go to Casa di Guilletta,
Which is really a legend of five stories
The Capulets home is signified by the cap.
And Guiletta’s balcony is really a sarcophagus tomb,
Which was constructed in the 40’s after redoing the rooms.
You can no longer stuff letters in the wall,
Or stick chewing gum & write in the hall,
But now you go to a computer and write a letter
And, Juliet will answer ‘cos now it is faster and better.
Walking into to the Piazza Erbe,
Are booths of souvenirs and the fountain from the 14th century.
Madonna has bought a flat for 12 million.
The architect bought it for 2, so he made a killing.
At the Piazza dei Signori, Dante wrote for ten years,
Now Italian children memorize it in fear.
The steps of Palazzo della Ragione,
Has an external staircase of stone.
If you want to climb the Toree dei Lamberti
It rises from the courtyards, with steps of plenty.
We go to the Roman Arena from 1 BC
So intact, it is amazing to see.
In the  morning the lions killed their prey,
By midnoon, it is people who are eaten, so they say.
Then the gladiators fight after two,

If they survive, they are heroes who paid their dues.
I wandered into the plaza park to watch the children ice skate,
And, this video is for Julian, he will just have to wait!
It is getting dark and I find Castelvecchio,
It closes soon, only an hour to go.
The paintings were amazing, the castle impressive,
Jewelry and suits of armor  to show how they lived.
Outside on the castle walls, there is a walkway with views
The Adige River and the medieval Ponte Scaligero too.
I walked it at night and it was mysterious to see
Imagining  the knights and ladies from 1355.
The local people were walking across Ponte Scaligero
And pictures at night I had to take, to you I show.